Services of The Ark Shelter

Let's Reopen and Keep Open The Ark Shelter

In December 2016, the Ark Foundation’s Shelter for Battered Women & Children closed its doors after 17 years of operation. This was mainly due to lack of funding. The Shelter was the only functional shelter for domestic abuse victims (both women and children) in the country, and since it’s closing, it has been a huge challenge to protect and reintegrate woman and children who are victims of domestic violence. Currently in Ghana there is no domestic abuse shelter in operation, resulting in women and children who are victims of domestic violence having to stay in peril of their lives. Hedge Ghana by this campaign is supporting the Ark Foundation to raise GHC350, 000 a year to reopen its doors to provide critical services to women and children facing domestic abuse. We would be grateful if you can support this campaign by making a donation to meet the needs of the shelter occupants. Any donation will be very much appreciated.

Join our Foundation of Givers

It requires a stream of continuous giving to keep the shelter open and operational.Learn More